Boosting skin health
Many skin care products contain cocoa butter, including moisturizers and anti-aging creams. These products claim to have several benefits for skin health, such as alleviating dry skin and improving skin elasticity. Cocoa contains several antioxidants called polyphenols, which are a group of plant-derived chemicals with a range of potential health benefits. These polyphenols may have benefits for good skin health, such as reducing inflammation and protecting the skin from sun damage.
Moisturizing the skin
Cocoa butter is a core ingredient in many skin moisturizers. Some people use pure cocoa butter to help relieve dry skin. Like other natural moisturizers, such as coconut oil, cocoa butter is mostly made up of fatty acids. These fats may help form a protective layer on the skin, preventing moisture from escaping, and therefore stopping the skin from drying out. Some people also use cocoa butter to relieve skin dryness from common skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis.
Preventing stretch marks
Many people believe that cocoa butter can prevent stretch marks from developing, especially during pregnancy. Some doctors and midwives may advise the use of cocoa butter during pregnancy to reduce the risk of stretch marks.